It's the extensive travelling that first inspired Paula Chandon. At the wake of the seventies, she travelled to Nepal reaching the first base camp on the way to mount Everest where not many ventured. She also discovered Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, South America, Niger and the plain dunes of the Sahara where she lived with a Tuareg tribe for sometime.
Settling down in the mid-seventies, she worked as an assistant for Fashion photographer Marc Hispard with whom she travelled to Columbia and California. Their work was published in a few magazines amongst which L'officiel.
A few years later, still attracted to the rest of the world, Paula returned on the road and eventually put down roots in Peru for three years, immersing herself in the South American sub-cultures. She returned to Europe with a growing interest in documentary photography and went on to cover cultural subjects such as the gulf lying between Berlin's east and west. Paula is now living and working in London, pursuing the capture of what strikes her in the moment.
Mirage series in the desert of Niger, Bought by Coca-Cola for catalogue
Fashion/culture Shoot with Marc Hispard for French magazine 'l'OFFICIEL'
Illustrated report of the Aran Islands (Ireland), French barges and bakeries for Italian magazine 'SMOKING'
Illustrated report about the Kurd community in Berlin for 'le FIGARO'
Photography and art direction for the catalogue of italian theatre company 'LUCA DI FILIPPO'
Illustrated report on the London life for 'le FIGARO', Italian 'VOGUE' and 'MARIE-CLAIRE'
Photographs on National Geographic Online
Christmas cards production for various clients
Currently sells pictures to private collectors
"Sea & Stones "Associazione Culturale, Arti in Corso in Magliano Tuscany, August 2010
"Fruits et Légumes" du 28 Mai au 30 Aout 2011 Chateau d'Haroué in Haroué, Lorraine (France)
Chateau d'Haroué 2011
Arti in Corso "Colori e odori" in Magliano Tuscany, August 2012
"Elementi" Chateau de Gordes, France, Mai 2013
Group photo exhibition, Satura art gallery Genova, Italy, May 2014
"Wood" photo exhibition in collaboration with Luigi Barzini's wooden objects, Arti in Corso in Magliano in Toscana, 15th July - 28th July 2017.
About me